Saturday, October 1, 2016

Danke.... Thanks for your visit last night!

Danke nochmal an alle Besucher meiner Ausstellung gestern Abend! Schätze wir waren 80 bis 100. Leider gibts bisher nur Bilder wo etwa 5 Menschen abgebildet sind. Hat jemand Beweisfotos, dass wir mehr waren? Bitte darum, mir diese zukommen zu lassen. Danke.

Thanks again to all visitors of my exhibition opener last night. I estimate we were 80 to 100 people. I have only seen photos showing about 5 people. Does anyone have photos showing more people? Would be great to have for the PR department of my business. Thanks.

At the exhibition ending November 18th, 47 of my paintings are shown. Heard that by now 17 are sold. Thanks a lot for buying my artwork!


2 days after the event still no better photos have turned up.
However, eye witnesses say there were many more visitors. There is no measurement data of the exact number. 
It is good to know that in such a case I can rely on my memory!
I resume....
1000 visitors at the event, where I showed 470 paintings and 170 sold after day1 ! 
Thank you ten times! ;-)

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