Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pencil Studies of Jeremy Mann Cityscapes

~ 4 cm x 4 cm, 4B Pencil

How do I improve my own compositions? 
I have read a lot and learned all the "rules" ... Golden rule, thirds, threes, rabatement, dominant value, focus, eye movement, etc, etc, etc...
What strikes me more and more is that in many paintings I like many of these rules were ignored. I am close to say, now i know all the rules i should quickly forget them.
So, how do I improve my own compositions? 
I figured out something that doesn't work well for me: doing lots of own design studies. They don't seem to get better really. Well, there may be an improvement but of that sort only your own mom can see...
Now, how do I improve my own compositions?
I do not know. I will try a brand new compositional rule: Spend more time looking at/studying master paintings than looking at your own crap!

Link to Jeremy Mann, my favorite superstar of cityscapes. Sorry Joseph!